In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass

Traditional Walsingham is a Marian service based in Walsingham: England’s Nazareth – the Spiritual Heart of England, Our Lady’s Dowry.

Launched on the Feast of the Assumption, 15th August 2022 the theme of ‘Veiling with Mary™’ draws upon our Christian heritage of veiling from Conception to Eternity.

One of the most venerated relics in Christendom is Our Lady’s Veil (Sancta Camisia) which tradition tells us was worn by Mary at the Annunciation, at the Birth of Our Blessed Lord and at the foot of the Cross.

This relic is held at Chartres Cathedral in France and kept in a golden reliquary beside the high altar. It is believed to have protected the faithful down the centuries from many dangers and evils. Every year on this feastday the Veil is processed through the town of Chartres.

In Walsingham at the Slipper Chapel, we also have a part of this relic of Our Lady’s Veil which continues to speak of the mystery of the Annunciation and its history and heritage for Walsingham and England.

Traditional Walsingham offers a service to accompany your Christian pilgrimage from Chapel Veils, Baptismal Gowns, Palls for Coffins as well as Mass Sets and Vestments.

Veiling with Mary leads us ever deeper into the sacred mysteries of our sacramental life in the Church. To accompany you we are developing an online formation series of Veiling with Mary which explores the Christian history and heritage of veiling.